Timeline of Lubbock Hubbers The Pecos League was founded in 2010 with teams in (Alamogordo Las Cruces Roswell Ruidoso, New Mexico and Alpine Texas. The league only had five teams so it had to have a travel team called the Carlsbad Bats. Lubbock was the first choice of the league but the Pecos League couldn't come to terms with any of the ballparks in Lubbock including Dan Law Field, Babe Ruth Field, LCU or any of the high school fields.) Lubbock was the geographic centerpoint and could have been the headquarters of the Pecos League. Lubbock is ideal for travel in the Mountain Division of the Pecos League. The problem is there is no ballpark that will allow beer sales and will welcome independent baseball. The Lubbock Crickets burned any potential relationship with Dan Law Field in late 1990s.

Despite many supporters and immediate entertainment in the Summers of Lubbock until there is a ballpark there will be no baseball in Lubbock